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Monday, February 27, 2017

America - Pay Np Attention to the Words

Our current President is something of a talker. He seems to love speaking to Congress, Governors, and the few members of the Media that he trusts, and he is fairly good at it. Watch those words and then look around to see what's happening.

I never expect a President or any other politician to tell the whole, real truth. They generally manage to throw in a few facts but then they spin them harder than a Tiger Woods wedge shot. Trump, well, he seems to have trouble even tossing us any truths.

Last night I actually heard him say that his Administration had already accomplished most of his campaign promises. Really? He does not even have his full Cabinet seated. He has been forced to backpedal from his terribly written immigration order. Obamacare has not been repealed nor replaced.

The Wall is but a distant dream. The Pipeline is still in negotiations. Russia has not budged from the Ukraine. Iran and N. Korea are still testing missiles. We still have sanctuary cities and folks in Chicago are shooting each other at alarming rates.

It has only been a shade over a month since the Inauguration and any sane person would not expect these amazingly complex problems to be solved. Yet, our President tells us that he has already handled them. Well,  alright then. Guess we can all just forget those, sit back and coast for the next 3 years and 11 months.

Trump's term may or may not turn out well, but he does himself no good by making idiotic statements like this. He carries on about the Media, calling them liars, but he invites criticism by overstating and needlessly embellishing.

There may be a slightly more sinister angle to this. Assuming that he is not simply a blustering buffoon, there is the possibility that he has learned a lesson from the great power seekers of history. That is, tell a lie; make it a big one; and keep telling it. When  anyone calls you on it, get really loud and harsh and make fun of them. If you do this enough, it is surprising how many people will start believing you. Then, once they believe, you can sell them anything, and remember, Trump is a salesman.

I still have hopes for his Administration. I am just waiting anxiously to see when he is going to settle down and let his Cabinet and advisors take over. He picked some good folks and I trust them. Him, not so much.

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