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Thursday, February 9, 2017

America - Meet Jeff Sessions

Last evening, Jeff Sessions was confirmed as our new Attorney General. Boy, is this going to be a change.

Sessions is a very bright and energetic man, a fine attorney, and long time Senator. He was a US District Attorney in Alabama. The man is a conservative and very definitely pro law and order.

No more will criminals be coddled as they were during the previous Administration. Gone are the wimpy days of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. This Administration has given notice, by naming Sessions to he post, that they are bring a halt to the lax prosecution of criminals that has become the norm in America.

The streets of America, not that long ago, were safe. Now, many of them, are near battle zones. This can be stopped and it will be stopped. No one wants overly harsh enforcement; we are not that kind of Country, but things have gotten completely out of hand.

This will be fun. Everyone needs to get used to the idea that times have changed. The people of the USA should be able to walk the streets. Organized crime is costing a lot of money and angst and must be stopped. Gang activity, slightly less organized crime, has made a nightmare of too many neighborhoods. Time for this to stop.

One last note: Those of you smoking weed, unless it's for legitimate medical reasons, best lay in a good stash. All that cheap Mexican weed is about to go away.

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