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Saturday, February 18, 2017

America - Get It Together, President Trump

As I have said, I did not vote for Trump and have consistently said that I do not trust him. I have been making an effort to give him a chance, mostly because I like some of the people surrounding him. I assumed that once things settled, he would calm down and let them run things.

Well, I should have known to never assume. Instead, it is becoming 'all Trump, all the time." He is popping up everywhere, giving an alarming number of press conferences. Why he is holding these conferences is a mystery, since he hates the Media, refuses to answer questions from most, and generally spends the bulk of the time ranting about their bias and fake news.

I do not love the news media. I find them to be silly, pompous morons who do little but uselessly pontificate. And, yes, there is a lot of fake news. However, that is true for mainstream, conservative, and alternative media. I am not sure if they are looking for sensationalism or they do not remember how to research properly or if they have simply lost track of what is real. I say a pox on them all, media and politicians.

They never were my favorite group of people, but all sides, Democrat, Republican and all points in between, are acting like spoiled brats. And, that is an insult to spoiled brats everywhere.

It turns out that all of the fuss about immigration orders is a total waste. The Supreme Court is due to hear 3 case, probably in June, brought during Obama's term, that will decide what can and cannot be done.

All the fuss about Russia's meddling in our election, is complete hypocrisy. WikiLeaks has just released documents showing that we took similar actions during France's 2012 election.

Oh, by the way, despite all of Trump's 'make it in America' talk, Ivanka's clothing line is made in China and Hong Kong.

It also seems that no one is that eager to be National Security Advisor. Harwood and Plateaus have both declined, and who can blame them? Why would any sane person want the aggravation of working in a chaotic environment?

Hypocrisy, double dealing, scamming, and out-and-out lying are the norm in our current political climate. That has always been true, but not like this. The President, Cabinet, Congress and Courts need to get their acts together, immediately, and start dealing honestly and intelligently with America's many problems.

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