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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

America and The Wall

I am almost completely befuddled. It seems that in the next day or 2, President Trump will sign new Executive Orders on immigration. However, those analyzing the advance notices about them say that they are invoking already existing laws. May be I'm missing something but, if that's true, whay all the fuss about the new Orders.

They will call, so it seems, for work on the infamous Wall to begin in earnest. I have no issues one way or the other with the Wall, but one thing is being overlooked, The Federal Governe=ment does not own most of the land it will be built on. Buying that land will cost a large, large fortune.

In addition, many of the owners may not, probably won't, want to sell. Okay, if the Feds want it, they can get it, but the whole mess will then end up in the courts and I will bet large sums that no Wall will be built any time soon.

Now, putting more agents on the border will help. Why not put hem to work sealing the many tunnels leading from Mexico to the US.  You know, the ones where countless tons of hard drugs are flowing through. That should be top priority.

Another thing. I hope they're going to buy those agents a lot of boats because no one wants to acknowledge the fact tha a boat can leave Mexico's Eastern shore and shoot up through the Gulf, landing on the Texas Gulf shore. It is a very short easy trip.

In other words, there are a few things that need tending to before we worry about a Wall that very likely will never be built.

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