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Friday, May 6, 2016

America on the Edge - Thr Primaries are Ending, Now What Do We Do?

The debacle we call an election is getting funnier each day. Just before the Indiana primary, Trump brought up a tabloid report linking Cruz' father with Lee Harvey Oswald. Now, this is a strange world, but I find that a bit far fetched and, by his own admission, so does The Donald. He just did it because Cruz' father was reportedly praying that something awful befall Trump. Now, I would expect this of 8 year olds, but these folks are trying to become leader of a Nation with a nuclear stockpile capable of destroying life on this planet in a few minutes. We are also playing chicken with Russia, dealing with a fragile (well, honestly, near comatose) economy, and increasingly dangerous China, terrorists almost everywhere and a complete lunatic in N. Korea who just got nukes and long range missiles. I personally feel just a wee bit of maturity might be called for, but The Donald now has things wrapped up. Cruz and Kasich have dropped out, after saying they would stay until the Convention.

Of course, Old Don may still have a bit of a tussle. The Party heads loathe him and many possible running mates are doing just that, running, as far and as fast from Trump as possible.

The Democrats are no better. The Party heads have seen to it that Hillary will win by their 'super delegate' game plan. Still, Bernie is driving her further and further left. In normal years that would spell her doom but this time, most Democrats want her to do just that. How that will play with moderates and conservatives in the mainstream of the USA is uncertain?

Will Hillary win? I think so, but I cannot believe it. Poll after poll show that Americans do not like or trust her, yet, they say they will vote for her. Of course the same holds for Trump. I am dumbfounded. I never have seen anything like it.

Actually, I am convinced that there no longer is a mainstream USA and that is the problem. We have become a Nation of minority interests, each disliking the other and each frantically worried that they are going to be pushed out of the picture. This Country is more split than I have ever seen it, and remember, I lived through the horrific power struggles of the 60s, civil rights, Vietnam, student radicals, and the so-called counterculture. Those days were disturbing, dark, and more violent than many care to remember, but I am convinced that as Election time nears, the climate in this Land will make that look like Sunday in the park.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe, we will all put aside our difference, hold hands and welcome in a new era of peace and love. By the way, if you think that possible, Trump has promised me sole realty rights to the Moon colonies he and Newt Gingrich are going to build. If you have lots and lots of money, just get in touch.

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