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Sunday, May 1, 2016

America - The Dangerous Influx of Gnosticism, Solutions

The answer to the spreading Gnostic attitudes is simple. Just realize that no culture has ever been built around Gnostic beliefs because they are anti-culture, anti-life and even anti-existence.  That makes it fairly hard to inspire folks to pull together and build something. Also, most people have the good sense to see that such beliefs are nonsense. The World is a mix of good and evil; it never is totally one or the other. Accept that and get over it. Then move on and enjoy the time you have on this magnificent Earth. Live your life, enjoy your loved ones and trust your Creator. In every bit of darkness is a seed of light. Look for that seed and nurture it. Things will get better, for awhile, then they will darken again and you have to go back to work. All of that is a Dance of the Divine. Have fun with it or carry it like a burden, your choice. Me? I would much prefer to have fun.

Why the rise of Gnosticism at this time? Easy. Times right now are rough and uncertain and most folks have no sense of history. If they did, they would realize that, in past times, things were much, much worse. Now, yes they are bad and there is the potential for them to become nightmarish for many of us. The folks running the show (or so they think), the Powers that be, want us compliant and Gnosticism breeds apathy.

Just realize the foolishness, the inanity of Gnostic beliefs and ground yourself in a more spiritually satisfying and rational belief system and avoid Gnostic pitfalls. But, you might ask, what about those pesky Archons or demons or whatever you want to call them? Good question.

These entities play on our weaknesses, so, toughen up. Get yourself healthy. Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise. If you feel rested . that is enough sleep for you. Do not overdo it. Eating well does not mean living on wheat grass smoothies and exercise does not mean you spending hours each day in the gym. A sensible ordinary diet and a daily brisk walk should do the trick. If you still do not feel well,  consider a trip to the  doctor, preferably one who does not start writing prescriptions the minute you walk in.

Psychologically, things are a bit more complicated. The entities we are talking about pick up what bothers you and magnify that; they know how to push your buttons. So, learn your buttons. Are there things that anger you? That you are ashamed of/ That produce irrational fear? That is what they look for. Deal with those issues. Anger and shame generally come from past actions. You can spend countless hours in therapy and you may get to the root of some of those  but, there is a quicker way. Realize that you, me, and every other human are damaged, flawed individuals, yet, our Creator is willing to forgive us. That being the case, you have no right to hold grudges against anyone, including the person you were in the past. Just the act of forgiveness takes all of the power out of those past misdeeds. Move on and do better. Things will be better and you take power from your tormentors. Fear, when rational is healthy, unless it becomes obsessive. If your fears are irrational, just learn to trust your Creator. All will ultimately be just fine.

Are these entities real? Can they ever be trusted? I will answer the second question first. If you feel that during at any time, you are being communicated with by any of them, look for one thing. Do they tell you just what you want to hear and promise incredible powers and/or wealth? Then no,  they are not to be trusted. Just ignore them. If they point out flaws that you must work on, if they occasionally seem to give you a slap on the head when you mess up, if they soothe that same head when you do well, in other words, if they act as any good teacher or councilor would, then trust them, until and unless they start to vary from that behavior.

Are these real entities. projections from the minds of other beings, or just projections of your own mind. I really do not know. My best guess? Some of each. It is a fascinating question, one you can spend countless hours investigating. Many do, and that is a problem in itself. You cannot and will not get answers to all those questions in this life. Maybe later, but not now. You are here to live a life, to  work, play, love, and learn. Do not spend too much time on unanswerable questions. A little is alright, after all we humans love mysteries and these entities are a tremendous mystery, but do not dwell on these things. It only feeds them. Get on with your lives. They are good lives, worth living and enjoying. Do your best.. 

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