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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

America - Get Ready for the Fun

Folks, this is going to be more fun than a trip to the circus. I refer, of course to the upcoming election. The Donald vs Hillary is going to be like nothing in election history. That will be the matchup. Kasich, Cruz and Sanders are now no more than annoying gnats buzzing around and eating up time on the media. None of them have the guts or the backing to mount a 3rd party campaign and except for the Libertarians neither does anyone else. The Libertarians have about as much chance as my first pick, SpongeBob Squarepants.

Hillary has reached new depths of political double talk. Today, I heard her trying to convince West Virginia coalminers to vote for her. It took nerve for her to even appear there since she recently said that, in her administration, the coal industry would suffer badly and that mining jobs would disappear. I am not sure how you can convince folks to vote for you after you promise to take away their livelihood. It was not working, but I will give her credit for chutzpah.

The Donald seems to be having a grand time. Watching him now is like watching a really fine stand up comic  I simply am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what he does with Hillary when the campaign starts in earnest.

Unfortunately, none of this has a damn thing to do with running the Country. Our economy is about one minor shock from disappearing down the drain and we still are wasting the lives of young men and women in our futile attempts to rule the World. Teachers are striking, the water in Michigan is not fit to drink and we have no idea how we are going to cope with our rapidly changing climate.

So far, all of the proposals of both candidates are no more useful than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We need new ideas and, most of all, a National will to do something. Instead, we seem to be obsessed with Beyoncé's new album, what will happen to Prince's estate and Obama's pathetic attempt at comedy at the annual Press dinner.

So, as far as I am concerned, a pox on all politicians and curses on the sorry News Media that refuses to talk about real problems. Folks, start thinking of alternatives to the normal American way of life, because what you are used to, ain't gonna last. Get ready to duck and run. because if you think things are weird now, wait a year or two. On the other hand, the upcoming excuse for an election should produce a barrel of laughs if you can just stop thinking that these are the idiots who are going to be leading us in thsee difficult times. Then, it's not so funny.

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