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Monday, May 9, 2016

America and the Election - Let's Really Get Down and Dirty

This is shaping up to be one of our nastiest elections ever, but so far, the candidates have just been playing around. I think that they should really get to it.

Hillary has a lot to work with. She could start with Trump U which seems to be borderline fraud. Then, of course, she could move onto all of that money The Donald has pledged to Veterans organizations that, at last notice, had yet to arrive. And, last, but surely not least, she could cite the various companies that Trump has bankrupted and, as such, left folks who worked for him, unpaid.

Trump, so far, has really only gone after Bill Clinton for his philandering ways, hoping that the electorate will convict Hillary of guilt by association. Really? Come on Donald. His, I am sure, was not the first Presidential private part to be fondled by a young woman and I am sure it will not be the last. Let that go, Donald, and go for the big stuff. What about all of the money raised for the Clinton Foundation that never seems to make it to any real charities? What about Mena, Arkansas and the activities there and the Rose Law Firm and Whitewater. ( For those unfamiliar with those scandals, sorry, I don't have the time to go into all of that here. If interested, and you probably should be, just google those subjects and enjoy some fascinating, if disturbing, reading.)

If you two are going to spend this election playing in the mud, and by all signs that is what is coming up, then get to it. If you are going to dig into closets and hunt skeletons, do not bother us with trivia. Grow up, find some courage and get to the hearts of the matter.

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