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Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Ghosts Are Gone

Halloween is past. When I was a wee tyke, it was just a fun day. No big deal. Trick or treat, a few parties, it was just a bit of a laugh.
Now, it has become a mega big holiday. Many millions are spent on costumes that will be gone the next day and candy that will be gone just as fast. Don't get me wrong. I love silly little holidays. However, you can take a food thing and blow it up into a monster.
The saddest thing is that trick or treating is now a hazardous outing. No sane parent would let their kids do that and it is a shame. Again, we have changed a harmless, fun day into what is just a bizarre near obsession.  In days of old, All Hallows Eve was a day to remember the dead and to acknowledge and appease other spirits. Sort of like, but bot exactly like Mexico's Day of the Dead. This is why very conservative Christians have always loathed the day. Well, they need not worry. As we usually do, we have taken a semi-spiritual day and turned it into a cash cow.
There are merits to that. We really do not need folks spending a lot of time dealing with dark spirits and you can remember the spirits of loved ones any time. But, we do need to tone down the whole massive spending spree that Halloween has become. Folks can take that money and spend it on a variety of fun events instead of spending it all on junk. Some candy, a party or two, maybe some well supervised trick or treating in safe neighborhoods, fine. Massive spending and excessive partying, not fine.
But, folks will do as they please. Remember though, at Christmas, when you really want a big celebration and you are sgort of cash, that you did not need to spend all that money on Halloween.

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