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Friday, November 2, 2018


It is true that I no longer hold a job. Retirement is a mixed blessing, but that is not what I want to write about.
Even retired, I look forward to weekends. There is just a different aura hovering in the air starting Friday evening. Some of the tension leaves people, and there are different activities afoot. Now some of those activities get a might unsavory, but mostly they are good, naps, sports, shopping, meals, and just general nonsense. I like nonsense.
Maybe my love of the weekend is just a memory of what they were when I was younger. I realize that these days many work those days. I guess I get stuck ib the past a bit, but I also think that it is food to rememver the days when, for two and a half days, folks just tried to enjoy themselves. It was good for body mind and soul.
To those who say that our economy os booming, I have a question. If things are so great, why are people working so many hours just to get by. Yes, some people do love their jobs and some are just work-a-holics, but trist me, I have been there and worked with a whole lot of folks and I can say that most people just pur up with their jobs, and that becomes more and more the case when they are working 55, 60, or more hours a week.. That tolerance soon turns to loathing and no one should have to spend  most of their waking hours at something they detest.
The answer is simple. Let the big corporations, and smaller businesses that are making large ,profits turn loose with some money. Increase wages, and even the Government's numbers show that wages are still too low and hire more people. Give folks more of their own lives back. When you already habe a lot of money, do you really need that much more? When does the profit incentive become just plain, stupid greed.
To those working this weekend, I hope things change your way, For those who have the time off, enjoy every minute of it. Enjoying your weekend has almost become a revolutionary act. Blessings to all.

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