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Tuesday, November 28, 2017


I seldom watch news these days because not much is happening. Well, actually, a lot is happening, but the media is ignoring anything of import,

Sex scandals still dominate, Of course men should learn to keep their hands to themselves. But, why are women waiting 10, 15, 20 years to report this poor behavior. I a also wondering what will happen wneh men start reporting women who have groped them. Such things do happen. All I know is that if you do not report criminal sexual assault because you are afraid it will hurt your career, is that, in plain terms, you gave prostituted yourself, Sorry, but that is precisely the definition of things.

We hear scant mention of the Russia probe. I think that is because the investigation is finding as much Democratic involvement as Republican. That prostitute word pops up again.

Trump seems to have done his thing, making deals, very successfully in the East, Hats off to the President. It was a truly remarkable display of skill, and it has been almost totally ignored by the media.

However, just to show that he has not lost his knack for putting his foot in his mouth, he

is mouth, he used the Pocahontas- Elizabeth Warren joke, which I live, at a gathering that celebrated the WW2 Navaho code talkers, true heroes of that War.
Tacky, at best.

The tax plan, which we were told would pass any day, is looking shaky, but that is not surprising.

Overlooked are several viral bits of news. We are ridding the nation of several violent gangs ar a fairly rapid pace. Vast amounts of opiates have been seized and many dealers arrested. A large numver of child porn and child prostitution rings have been busted. Hats off to President Trump and Attorney General Sessions. On the down side, the climate is changing quickly and we cannot stop pointing fingers long enough to figure out practical ways around the effects. And volcanoes, rather large ones, are blowing, events that in themselves are climate changing, Still, this is ignored so we can gear just who is playing grab ass with who.

Such is life in this very odd time and place. Still, Christmas is here.

Remember, the message. Peace on Earth. Good Will to Men. Maybe we can have that for a little while. We just need to try.

Monday, November 20, 2017

A ReasonablyCalm Week.

The past week has been relatively normal, which is far from normal.

Sire, Congress is fussing over their rather stupid tax bill and the military is boasting of their victories over Isis. Rocket Man is issuing stern warnings and the Russian-Republican0-Demicratic scandals are being tossed around and sex abuse charges are flying all over the land. All that is, oddly enough, just business as usual in these weird times. So, on the whole, it was a pretty boring week in the news.

There is one thing bugging me, Today I saw that Charlie Manson died and so did the fine Country singer Mel Tillis. Of course, Manson is getting more attention. I guess that was to be expected, but it bothers me that a mass murderer gets more attention than a nice, truly talented man.

Still, news wise, it was a pretty boring week. I have frown to like boring,

Monday, November 13, 2017

Remember, All Things Pass

It is true that times are a wee bit strange and it is easy to get caught up in the sheer lunacy. It seems, at times, like the madness is terminal, and I will admit to lapsing into that myself.

Remember, all will pass. It may, and likely will, take some time, but the World goes through cycles. This insanity is but a passing phase. Why? I have no idea.

But, one way or another, we will deal with Korea and taxes and , racial  tensions. Fo;ls will stop shooting each other at such a furious pace and the economy will jump start.

When? Beats me, but sure enough they will. It may be rough for a bit, but change will cone and the pendulum will swing back toward sanity, for a while.

What can we do? Roll with it. Ride out the storm. Be positive and productive and ready to help your friends, family and neighbor. Have as much fun as you can and love as much as you can.

Things will get better, count on it.

Thanksgiving will be here soon and the Christmas and New Years. Why not start the Season right now?

Monday, November 6, 2017


It never ends. A parade of inane, banal, evil. Let's take a quick view of this idiocy.

The latest fad seems to be sexual harassment, both the harassing and the subsequent suing for. Celebrity after celebrity is being accused, although I cannoy qyire grasp why the alleged victims are waiting long years to come forth.

The Democrats area still after Trump over Russia. They may want to rethink that since Mueller is hinting that he has as much on them as on Trump's people.

N. Korea is still at it. War stumbles along all over the middle east and for reasons I cannot fathom, we seem hell-bent to spread those wars throughout N. Africa.

Still no healthcare bill, but we do have a budget that is going to put us on even deeper debt and a tax code reform that may finish the task of destroying the last of the middle class. But, don't worry, we are going to Mas soon.

Or not. We best leave soon because the Antarctic ice sheet is cracking at a high speed and when all that water melts, there will be no Florida or Texas, NASA's favorite launch sites.

Because of hurricanes and fires, expect you grocery bill to rise, a whole lot, real soon.

Last, and I bet you thought O forgot, another senseless massacre.

You folks may want to consider taking up prayer as a hobby