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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Keep Youre Eue on the Target

We have had 3 hurricanes hut the USA. We cannot  pass any sort of legislation we cannot seem to leave Afghanistan, and the cops are losing a grip on the cities. Heroin is easier to get than weed, suicide rates are way too high and black and Latino kids won't go to school. Water pollution is rampant, decent food is a near luxury, and no one knows just how the climate is changing.

Then, of course there is N. Korea threatening to set off bombs underwater and shoot down our jets. We have no real clue as to what Iran is doing and Israel numbs what's left of Syria on occasion.

We're still investigating Trump and the Russians, prices of gas are rising and a lot of crops were lost.
 to storms. So, what are we worried about?

Football. Players disrespecting the flag.

Okay, I find them to be despicable. They are makong vast sums of monet for acting the way the would if unemployed, like thugs. And they dare protest/ Of they are that concerned about their brothers and sisters, they could just donate half their salary. They would till live very well and we would be spared this aggravation.

On top of the , team owners are joining the protests, on their   players side. They should let their hired goons, er players, know that the next time they protest on the field, they are fired.

But you and I have better things to worry about. If you don't like the player's attitudes, don't watch the games. Don't attend. Ignore the whole sorry lot and when the money dries up, things will change. Until then, find other ways to amuse yourself and save your worries for real problems

Thursday, September 21, 2017

America After The Storn

Well. that's 3, all Category 4, in about a month you doubted global warming, that should tip the scales.

We made ot here in Glynn County Ga pretty well. By the time it got here, Irma had wound down and it was mostly just messy. Power was only out a day and cable and the internet were back in 4 days. To gere the County officials you would have thought that Hurricane Camille had torn through.

There was talk of shutting off the water and keeping the County closed for 2 weeks. They opemed up in 3 days with  no big problems.

They did 1 very smart thing. They allowed trucks supplying stores in and urged stores to open. This eliminated the need for points of distribution to distribute food and water. I saw those in S. Florida after Andrew and they are nightmares.

Since I pick on Trump from time to time, I must now congratulate the Administration for rising to
to the occasion, They have been responsive, compassionate and efficient. Hats off to them.

Hopefully, this is it for the storms, but who knows. Stay alert and stay safe. Help your friends, family and neighbors and pray for peaceful weather.

Friday, September 1, 2017


Houston is devastated. No one know how bad it really is. They were warned. For years, simple thubderstorms have caused flooding there and scientists knew that a bog storm would swamp the whold area. They built too much, too fast and left no way for the water to drain. Plus, they did nothing to deal with the storm surges.

We saw this in New Orleans. WE saw this with Sandy. No one did a thing to deal with major storms in large yrban areas. Last year, Savannah and Charleston were hit by Matthew, a minimal storm, and had  big problems. Now, we have another major storm, Irma, brewing and headed toward the US. Pray that it does not come here.

Politivians, who ultimately decide how to spend our money, like to ignore warnings that may interfere with business. Right now, Trump is considering easing the standards that govern building. I lived in S. F;prids before they toughened the codes. Trust me, they need to be stricter. If it costs businesses more, too bad. If they are operating on a shoestring, let them go broke.

Something has to be done about drainage. Standing water is more than a nuisance. It is a terrible health hazard.

All coastal cities must sit down with a panel of scientists and engineers and figure out solutions. The problem will get worse because, contrary to what our President wants to believe, climate change is very real and simply refusing to admit this will not make it stop. America will not be 'great again' if it is underwater.