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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

In the Wake of the Flood

Well, it really wasn't a flood, but it was a mess. I just wanted to use that title because it is the name of one of my favorite Grateful Dead albums. In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, we were without power for a day and half, without cable TV for 8 days and without the internet for 10 days. It was an inconvenience, but, right where we live, in Brunswick, Ga. It was not anything more than that. Some, including some not far from here, got hit much worse.

I often criticize the news media and they deserve a lot of criticism, but, on the whole, they are to be congradulated for their storm coverage. A few got a bit over the top in their predictions of impending doom, but mostly, they just gave the facts and presented a whole range of possible conditions. They certainly told us worse case scenarios but always tempered those warnings by saying that just a small shift could lesson conditions.

These storms, and I have seen my share of them, are impossible to predict with a 100% accuracy and, when proper preparation is the key to survival, the beat tactic is to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Anyway, things are back to normal. We made it through just fine and it is good to be back. I am just catching up on the news (it is very strange to go for several days with no news, but, honestly, it was kind of nice) and I will get back to offering thoughts on our increasingly strange culture inn a day or two.

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