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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

America and the Tiny Apocalypse, Part 5

This is the last part of my series on the demise of bees and its implications. I will offer some ideas about what we can all do to stop this possible catastrophe.

First, urge every politician you can think of to stop the use, or at least the excessive use, of pesticides.  This will be an uphill battle, since we have a President who seems hell bent on removing every environmental regulation we have.

Second, try to buy from farms that use little or no pesticides. We have been on this Earth for long years, growing crops without drowning them in chemicals. This is easier done with smaller scale farms. Hopefully, if enough people get the idea, the huge mega-farms will come to the end of their run.

Third, provide habitats for the little insects. You can do this. Grow gardens with lots of flowers, trees that bloom, and do not spray. Yes, you will see insects chomping on them, but wait. You will soon see other critters chomping on those bugs, frogs, wasps, spiders  birds, etc. Welcome them. Put out bird feeders. Let some parts of your property get a little bit overgrown (a bit, don't get code enforcement on your back). Put in a water feature, just a hole in the ground lined with plastic. These things will draw beneficial animals who will eat the bugs on your plants.

While we're on the subject, get rid of your lawn, all of that useless grass. A bit here and there, as a highlight is okay, but huge grassy lawns are an expense to tend to, feed and water. Replace it with shrubs and flowers and ground covers.

By doing these things, you will provide a habitat for bees and other beneficial creatures.. You will also make your property a lot more interesting.

The loss of bees would be a catastrophic event and it is preventable. Say a prayer for our wee friends. 

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