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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

America and the Tiny Apocalypse, Part 3

This time, let's discuss the politics of the loss of our main pollinators, the bees (keep in mind, I am talking about all bees, not just honeybees and all are threatened).

There will be some alternatives in pollination. That will be the topic of the next post. But, they will be limited and expensive. All fruits, vegetables and meats will be reserved for the wealthy elite. The rest of us, the 99%, will be grain dependent, until we start dropping from lack of nutrients. It will take a lot of grain to feed us. However, there is a problem.

A great deal of the Earth is not suited to growing grain and much that was, is no longer able to grow a lot. China now has to import foods and Southeast Asia seldom has an excess of rice. Same with India. Much of Europe is now unproductive ( this may be why Putin is so concerned with the Ukraine and its rich farm lands). Even in the USA, those 'amber waves of grain' are only found in the Mid West. Trust me, you can't grow a lot of wheat in Florida or Maine or the Rocky Mountains. So, the supplies, under optimal growing conditions will be strained.

To further complicate things, the climate is undergoing some kind of major shift. Just what and what the cause is are debatable points, but we definitely know that what have been prime farming areas will, in some way, change. A few rough weather years in grain growing regions, will further stress food supplies.

Food shortages in a country like the USA and other prominent grain growing Nations will produce shortages and severe rationing, which will lead to extreme unrest, which will lead to intense crackdowns on behavior. Kiss the Constitution and all other guarantees of rights goodbye. It will be devastating.

In other parts of the World, such as the African Nations, where even subsistence farming for small groups is iffy, it will be catastrophic. They will starve and in desperation, bloody wars will ensue.

Just think, all of this because a tiny insect disappears. Next time, I'll discuss alternative ways of pollination and, trust me, they are not great.

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