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Saturday, January 23, 2016

America _ Take the Day Off

Across the Eastern US, we are having extreme cold and a nasty storm. Snow, measured in feet, winds up to 75 mph, storm surges along the coast, and ice spread about. Even here, in Southern Georgia, it is freezing, Travel in much of the land is unsafe, and, blessedly, people are paying heed to the warnings and staying home.

So, relax, take it easy, and put all your cares away. Worrying will not help anything and I will bet what little money I have that there is nothing on your agenda that cannot be put off for a bit. So settle back, put your feet up, and goof off. Sip some hot tea or hot chocolate, talk to your loved ones, let the dogs and cats cozy up next to you, and take a nap.

Maybe, as the time wears on, watch a movie or start a book you have wanted to read. Nice quiet music is treat on days like these. Work a puzzle, play a game, or just stare out the window. Days like these are good for the soul, if you just let yourself go. Let your mind drift and those tired muscles relax. Turn off the news and let the newspapers sit there unopened (unless you want to check out the sports section or the comics).

To those of you where the weather is nicer, join, in solidarity, your home bound brothers and sisters. If you have the day off, enjoy it. Problems can wait and I assure you of this, they will still be there when you get back to the everyday world. To those of you stuck working, I am so sorry, but, I have a plan. Take it easy. Unless you are a fireman or paramedic, odds are nothin g you will do today at work is of dire importance, so while I would never encourage goofing off, at least take it easy. On second thought, why not encourage goofing off? Just don't get caught.

This may not seem like much of a blog, no dire warnings no political commentary, no cultural analysis. Well, you're right. I am swearing off of serious for a day or two, or three. I am taking my own advice and I invite you to join me in a brief spell of relaxation.

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