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Monday, January 4, 2016

America has Lost Focus

Today, I turn on the news and find that the stock market is dropping like a rock, China's economy is tanking, Iran and the Saudis are at each others throats, Obama is about to unilaterally impose restrictions on gun sales, and a semi-militia group has taken over a building in Oregon. So, what is the news focused on? You guessed it. The Iowa Caucuses.

Now, with no offense intended toward the good folks of Iowa, who cares? This is a small state, without enough votes to sway an election one way or another. Their caucuses are a confusing sort of polling whose outcome largely depends on how heavy its snowing on the night they are held. They represent a demographic that is outside the mainstream and, again, they are just not a major player in National politics.

We have a month until those caucuses are held, yet we are getting almost hourly reports in the campaigning there. Just think, folks, this is just the start. Then we will go through the same lunacy in the tiny state of New Hampshire. By the time we hit the big states I expect we will have bulletins every 15 minutes, with special reports on how often Hillary sneezed and what Trump had for breakfast, and these are only the primaries. Then, God help us all, we have the actual campaigns, when I expect the coverage to be round the clock, with updates on how often the candidates are going to the bathroom.

In other countries, election campaigns are restricted to short periods, which saves money and forces candidates to get right to the issues. I do not care if Bill is going to campaign for Hillary and if the Donald is going to attack his aggressive sexual behavior. I will say that Trump should do so very carefully, lest someone dig up some skeletons in his closet.

But, as so often, the money is the issue. By having these terminally long campaigns, not just for President, but for all political offices, we are insuring that money is doing the talking. Candidates, to keep up, have to raise fortunes and the guys footing the bill are the guys calling the tune. To win, you have to become indebted to big money capitalists and that means, you will be doing their bidding. That is the interesting thing about Trump, he is the big money. What that means for his potential Presidency is beyond me.

I have no idea how this will all play out, but I do know one thing. Covering every slight change in the polls in tiny states, while ignoring potentially world changing events, is a bad idea and everyone connected with the National media should hang their heads in shame.

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