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Monday, December 11, 2017

Same Old Story

This morning, in New York City, a pipe bomb went off at the Port
Authority. One of the Nation's busiest centers of activity.
 A bomb went off and the media response was tepid and suvdues. Have we finally come to accept this as business as usual. If so, we have real problems.  A society that accepts the harassment of iys citizens, the constant threat of unpredictable murder and chaos is in rapid decline.
The solution to these threats is not pretty but it is very simple. We must realize that there are real rgewars to Western Civilization and we must end those threats quickly and efficiently.At home, we must oust trouble makers. The bomber caught today is from Bangladesh and should be returned there at ionce as should any ummegrant who shows signs of rejecting our basic belief systems. If that means doing as Trump suggests and sending all immigrants who have not become US citizens home. Then we can get a grip on who we want in and who we want kept out. The rest of the World needs to be reminded that this is our Country.
It seems odd to write these words at Christmas, but maybe not. Western Civilization is based. in large part, in Christianity and these beliefs are under extreme assault.
We must protect the roots of our Civilization is soon we will not be allowed to even say the basic wirds, Merry Christm as,

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