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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

America Hang In We may be Alright After All

I have not written in a while because I just had nothing to say. I do now.

First the disgraceful behavior in Virginia. Trump got that one right. There is plenty of blame on all sides. The white supremacist groups are idiots. They all need to go home, grow up. and make something of their ;lives. If all they have to do is stomp around, acting tough, then they are pathetic. And the counterdemonstrators may be even dumber. Those neo-Nazis want a confrontation Ignore them and they just look idiotic. Fight them and they get attention and they will use that to gather more poor stupid souls to their groups.

Now, a good thing. President Trump is losing control of the White House. How cab that be good? Priebys is gone, meaning that the old Washington hacks are out, Scaramicci is gone, so some Wall Street influence is gone. Bannon is being pushed aside, so the fringe right is leaving. That leaves who" The military. These are intelligent, reasonable, disciplined men  and women. They areserious and god knows we need serious, effective people in charge. They will keep Trump in ;ine. That, O am sure was the plan all along.i

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