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Saturday, June 18, 2016

America and Drugs

It is hard to write about alcohol. So much has been said of it and it is so ingrained in our culture. Actually, it is engrained in most cultures and throughout history it has been the drug of choice most everywhere. Why?

Well, its easy to make, it, mostly has a pleasant taste, and it is nicely relaxing. Most folks reading this have at least some exposure to alcohol, so I won't waste time discussing its effects or its drawbacks.

Drink too much and you become clumsy and stupid. Drink too much, too often and you develop probems that may kill you. Some folks get violent when they drink, some get wildly happy, some downright morose. The drug seems to release parts of ourselves we keep in check most of the time when we overdo it.

But, that's the thing. The drug is damaging when overdone, but reasonably benign when consumed moderately, which is how most consume it. It relaxes the body and eases the mind.

The way it is consumed is important. Most folks drink it somewhat slowly. Very few take a fifth of liquor and drain it right down. Some do amd if you are one of those, quit or you won't be here long. By drinking it at a reasonable pace, you can keep tabs on how it is affecting you and stop before you turn into a raving monster.

Be careful with alcohol. Use it reasonably and you'll be fine. Get carried away and you won't.

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