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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Paris Burning - Part 5

Confused? So am I. Just remember a song title from the 80s, Tears for Fears' Everybody Wants to Rule the World. That sums up our problems. Why that is, I can't imagine. since I can barely rule myself.

What can we do? Experts say this will be a long, long fight. Only if we lack will. Remember, we beat Germany and Japan in WW2 in only 4 years. There is no reason we can't beat an army of an estimated 30000, quickly. We know that they are headquartered on the northern Syria-Iraq border. Seal their supply routes from the south, east and west using a combination of bombing and ground troops/ Allow no one in or out. Much of their money comes from black market oil. Destroy the oil fields. Place ships off the coast and allow no one out. Then, bomb the cities to oblivion. Then send in ground troops to clean out any surviving ISIL fighters. Job done. Then let the world know that this is how we will deal with things in the future.

Will we do this? Probably not. We  seem to have forgotten that in war, people, including civilians, die. This is a nightmarish scenario, but it works, and we have done it before. Folks today don't know history. In WW2, we demolished Dresden, Germany and Tokyo, Japan with conventional bombs and Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomics. We ended the war. Again, this was brutal, bur war is ugly. The idea is to win and win quickly. However, our current administration lacks the will to win. The good news? Russia is now angry and seems willing to do the job.

To stop terrorism in individual countries, there must be intelligence cooperation and, for good or ill, certain groups and individuals must be targeted. Let's be honest. An 80 year old Irish-American Granny is far, far less likely to be a danger than an 18 year old Arab. Fair? No, of course not, but the world is simply not fair. Any one caught planning or attempting to carry out any act of terror must be stopped, terminated if need be. If not a citizen, deport them immediately.

Much of the funding for terrorism comes from drug trafficking. Burn the poppy field in Afghanistan and the heroin trade will be greatly damaged. If they plant again, spray the land with defoliants. They will soon get the idea and, at home, we can begin to get a grip an what has become a horrible problem.

As far as refugees are concerned, I have no idea what Europe can do. I believe that at least some will defy the EU position and close their borders. With winter coming on, they had best do something quick or there will be disaster.

In the US, we should not allow them in. We, by current estimates have 500000 homeless in our land, 1/4 of those are children and many are veterans we promised to take care of. We cannot even agree on funding health care for the 9/11 first responders. We cannot take in more. In addition, entering under such conditions would be the perfect avenue for those of evil intent to disappear from intelligence surveillance, enabling them to plot and to recruit those already disaffected. If we wish to help, we could, with cooperation from the Saudis and the UAE (who, by the way refuse to take in refugees), set up temporary tent communities, supplying the poor with food, water and sanitation.

As far as the Global Elite are concerned, their power is often overrated. You will read, on the Internet and in various books, that the game is over, that the Powers that Be, run everything. Far from it. They have never achieved their goal of total domination and they have just lost control again. Power is back in the grasp of common people. We just need to grasp it.

The PTB will not give up, such is the nature of their sickness, but they likely will step back into the shadows for awhile and wait for another opening. Or, they may turn their attention to another region. If I were in India or South America or South Africa, I would watch my back.

The PTB will not win. Even if they get close to their goal, they will rapidly degenerate into factions and they will implode. In addition, there will always be ordinary folks who will only be pushed so far and the American common man is about as stubborn and ornery as any can imagine. No, the elite will not win, nor will they lose. They will rise and fall, always coming back, like a bad yeast infection, and we must always be vigilant. Such is the way of the World.

You may think I have forgotten Israel Not at all. Israel has served the purpose of the elite in their push for domination and they are no longer of interest to the Powers that Be. The power game is over for now, and Israel will have to sink or swim on its own. Let's be honest, the only real concern for Israel in this country comes from the Jewish community, a significant minority of the population, and the Evangelical Christian, a rapidly diminishing minority. The Evangelicals are only interested because Israel plays a significant role in their demented Apocalyptic world view. However, they are still a wild card in the terrorist game because, God knows when they will take a notion to attack Iran. Desperate people, and Netanyahu seems desperate to me. are unpredictable.

Two last points. We have a President, for the next year, who cannot be trusted. He threatens to govern not by cooperating with Congress, but by Executive Order. The House has passed a bill rescinding the law that allow him to bring in the refugees. If the Senate does the same, he will veto it. You must let your Congressmen know that if they do not get together enough votes to override that veto, that they have served their last term in Congress. He is still pushing draconian climate laws and a terrible trade pact with Pacific countries and he must not be allowed to do so. He, from time to time, threatens to enforce gun control and possibly confiscation, by Executive Order. If he does so, the case must be taken into the Courts immediately. He has no Constitutional right to do that. Yes, other Presidents have used Executive Orders, but far less than he has. The issue has never been taken to the courts and it is time that it was. And, if you think Obama has been a disaster, you had best try to keep Hillary as far as possible from the White House.

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